Monday, December 21, 2015

Janelle Brook Photography

Janelle Brook is a person that has come into my class last week and showed us her business Janelle Brook photography. Starting a business young isn’t easy but Janelle made it happen with working hard and dedication to what she wanted to do in life which was wedding photography. Most of her business consists of ether the same clients or clients that are friends of those clients. Now entering the world of social media she has made videos of her photography and has posted them up showing the kind of work she does. Now the way Janelle got the ball rolling was with weddings but there are different things you can have her do too. Janelle has gone to photograph the bride to be in sexy photographs with nothing but lingerie for the husband to be. Over all the way she keeps her clients is she cares about them and the photography doesn’t just end there she photographs the cards that go out and does hours of Photoshop to the pictures to make sure that they come out just right and will even help if you have a baby or a child that you want photographed. Janelle has photographed many faces and later down the line photographs her client’s children as they grow up for whatever they do in life the clients know that they can always count on Janelle to photograph their events and really anything they want. Janelle also works off her website which is and for all the people that wonder if they want to use her for their next event they can always look there or ask their friends as a good reference. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Natan Dvir

Last Monday we had a guest speaker in my class his name was Natan Dvir. He specializes in computer graphics but he hated his job. The job he got was healthy for his wallet but he didn’t like it after some time. He later picked up a camera for one of his friends and started shooting and instantly fell in love with it. He was given a job as a joke so he can get fired for it but they wanted to give him a chance. He ended up doing amazing on his project, since then he was photographing all over the world. Natan later went to Israel to photograph the injustice happening there but the part that makes this so interesting was the fact that he did this on his own, no assignment to do it nothing he just wanted to. So he told us of how there was no one allowed to go passed a fence/border because there was gun fire in the distance on the other side and there was this guy there trying to get over because his baby just died and he needed to tell his family.

            I find it amazing that he is that devoted to his photography that he would go and quit his job in the middle of his carrier and go to find what he really wants to do. I also find it crazy at the fact that he dropped everything to go and photograph a war, as I said it wasn’t like he had an assignment to be there so he wasn’t making any money off it he was just there to be there.

Monday, December 7, 2015


I brought my portfolio into one of my photo classes the other day and got it reviewed by one of my photo teachers. The teacher liked my work over all and now expects a lot more better work from me and even now that i got a better camera he is hoping that my photography will only improve. These were some of his more liked photographs.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Canons new printer

Canon released an ad to show how well their printer works and the ad is a very amazing they used new eye scanning technology to show how people view a photograph and the result is pretty amazing.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Grey Cards

I had an assignment to shoot a subject with all different focusing settings then with a grey card under their face. The assignment was a little bit of a challenge but over all I think it taught me a lot about my new camera. this was some of my work through the day.

Monday, November 9, 2015

My new camera

I finally get to retire my old Lumix FZ47 and I upgraded to a Nikon D7000 the camera is refurbished and it works very well. but when I got it i had to do a little photo shoot of it first so here it is. And the camera bag in the back I won earlier this year in one of my classes and never bought one so I guess in that sense it payed off.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Not too long ago I was driving down my block and i happened to pass by a tree. Now we are in the fall the time of colder weather, football, and rich colors. While passing this tree I saw a very nice and vibrant yellowish orange and when I drove down the road a little more I caught a great photo taking opportunity, the trees were bent in almost a bridge like structure above the road and I knew I wanted to capture it. I unfortunately didn't have my camera on me so I did the best i could with my iPhone 5 and for how much I wanted to get in the photo it was not that bad at all but I will admit that the sacrifice of not having my camera was definitely reflected in the quality of the photographs. Just goes to show how you could find something you weren't even looking for right around your block.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Taking a Trip

My class and I took a trip last Monday to John Lennon’s studio of photography. I got there just on time to see that I didn’t know where the entrance was. Turns out I was in the back area by his studio, so I had to walk all the way around to find the front. When I walked in he was telling the class about his life. He told us how he makes his money he only has a couple of clients but they are very reliable. By the look of his studio he looked to be living in it which was what I’m mostly sure he was doing. I’d have to admit I would NEVER want my studio to be my home where I sleep and eat. John did portraits and advertising. Now I’m not into that myself but it seems to be working for him. For his line of work he had to build it from the ground up and that’s great for him but not for me, I would rather work at an actual location instead of working as a boss. He showed the class and I his studio in the back of the building and it was large, very large. There was paper all over a wall for back grounds, there was his camera, and there were multiple mac computers with Photoshop on them even, his office was in his studio. He told us a solid week of work Monday through Friday he only shot photographs two of those five days because the rest was billing and composing a shot photograph. He also had an assistant, she seemed very on the ball with that she was doing, she seemed more of the head of customer service at the place. She told us how there have been people that would tell John all these different things they needed done but never had the money to pay for what they asked but, the good part about his assistant was that she could give people options on what they needed and what they could pay for. By the end of the day what I could say was that she was very good at her job and, John knew just what he was doing now would I want to life in a studio, no, but he seems he is doing well for himself and showed us that you don’t need a big area to make things seem as they do in the magazines. He was very down to earth and a insightful man in the world of photography.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Out With The Old In With The New

I just got a new laptop. I was looking for one that was fast that held a lot of memory and had a nice amount of ram. As of now I had two computers in my room one for gaming and the other for Photo shop and video editing. The one for Photo shop was a mac book, no not a mac book pro just a mac book and it had a hard time running Photo shop cc. I really wanted a better computer at any cost so I went down to my local Best Buy to see what they had in stock. One thing that was a need for me was a touch screen for a computer not even a key board I just really wanted to Photo shop on a touch screen because I really liked to draw, imagine doing it to your images. So while I was there I saw one computer that would actually do every thing I wanted it was a little pricey but I got it anyway. It was a Asus Q302L and this thing works amazing. I now have all my images and my games on this and this one laptop has surpassed both my computers with ease.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Comic Con

This past Friday I went to comic con in New York city. It was a great experience I only wish I grabbed my camera instead of dressing up. I dressed as Slade Wilson from a favorite T.V. show I loved as a child. The amount of creativity though while I was there was amazing. There were characters that I would have never even thought if while I was there. Most of the costumes I saw that really caught my eye was anything to do with the anime Pokemon. The amount of details in the costumes and statues was amazing I only wish again I had my camera to record it. I took some photographs while I was there though it was not with my Lumix but it was with my iPhone 5 so even though it does not do the true justice some of these statues deserve it still shows off some of the beauty and how in depth these creators went.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Photography in my life and how it began

My first blog post. To be honest I had no idea what to post. I have to make this blog for a class and at first I thought the whole idea was dumb to be honest. As I was thinking about it though something hit me today. I felt I should go back to my roots, back where photography started for me which was at my high school and try taking some pictures on where it all began for me. I have been a lacrosse player almost my whole life and have loved photography for just as long. Actually in my fifth grade year book I wrote that I wanted to be a photographer. There was nothing wrong with either of the two till I hit sophomore year in high school. Thats where I took my first photo class with my teacher Mr. Schoch. He was the greatest photo teacher I personally have ever had mostly because he never cared whatYOUR Style was he just cared that it looked nice and was what you were going for. He also never even told me what he ever shot in his life to end him as a teacher there, he never brought up his own photography. Then in junior year I had two photo classes for Mr. Schoch, photo two and advanced photo I begged him to not make me do twice the work for both his classes and that some of the work should count for the other class but he was not buying it one bit so I had twice the work then I thought I would. Some of the projects were cool and some of them I could not get myself to do for the life of me. Mr. Schoch even joked around with the whole class because I took one very professional picture of a sunset and made a 3D cube that looked like a five year old made it and he made fun of me to the whole class, but that was the teacher student relationship we had. Even later in that year or maybe in the first year I had him I took a photograph of a light bulb and he could not believe that I took it because of how well it came out, he checked the source of the photograph to see it came from my camera and it "Schoched" him. Then in senior year I went to boces for photography and that program was a flat joke. The only thing that really got me through that year was a couple of good friends one of which was named Angela Gutschwager and she taught me more then the teacher that was there. Even thought our photography is different she was what made it a great photography experience. Heres a link to her flickr, Another person to get me through the year was Brianna LaShier and where she posts her photography up is on her twitter page Then I had my first day of college and by accident I chose the best teacher for my college photo one class... Mr. Schoch. Mr. Schoch does not know it but one day he is going to give me a camera of his, a kodak one thats around 100 years old and those were some of the coolest photographs I took and still have to this day.